What You Can Do to Support Black-Owned Beauty Businesses

Black-owned beauty businesses are an integral part of the beauty industry, yet they often face unique challenges, such as lack of visibility, funding, and support. As consumers, we have the power to support and uplift these businesses by intentionally seeking out and purchasing products from Black-owned beauty companies. In this article, we will discuss what you can do to support Black-owned beauty businesses.

Do Your Research

The first step in supporting Black-owned beauty businesses is to do your research. Take the time to find Black-owned beauty brands and companies. This can be done through online research, social media, or by asking friends and family for recommendations. Once you have a list of companies, take the time to learn about their products, values, and mission.

Purchase Products

The most direct way to support Black-owned beauty businesses is to purchase their products. Choose to purchase products from Black-owned beauty businesses over larger, more established brands. By doing so, you are contributing to the growth and success of these companies. Additionally, when you purchase products from Black-owned beauty businesses, you are supporting a diverse range of entrepreneurs and creatives, which contributes to a more inclusive beauty industry.

Spread the Word to Friends and Family

Another way to support Black-owned beauty businesses is to spread the word to friends and family. Share your positive experiences with their products and encourage others to try them out. You can also share their social media pages or websites and encourage others to follow and support them.

Word of mouth is a powerful tool, and by sharing your support for Black-owned beauty businesses, you are helping to increase their visibility and reach a wider audience. It’s important to continue to amplify and support these businesses in order to create a more inclusive and diverse beauty industry.

Attend Events

Many Black-owned beauty businesses host events, such as pop-up shops, product launches, and workshops. Attend these events to show your support and learn more about the companies and their products. Not only will you have the opportunity to meet the founders and creators behind the brands, but you will also have the chance to connect with other like-minded individuals who share your passion for the beauty industry.

Leave Positive Reviews

Leaving positive reviews is another way to support Black-owned beauty businesses. When you have a positive experience with a Black-owned beauty product, take the time to leave a review on their website, social media, or review sites like Yelp, Google, or Amazon.

Positive reviews can help increase the visibility of the business and build trust with potential customers. They also provide valuable feedback to the business, which can help them improve their products and services. Additionally, leaving positive reviews can help counterbalance negative reviews that Black-owned businesses may receive due to biases or discrimination. So, if you love a product from a Black-owned beauty business, take a few minutes to leave a positive review and help support their success.


If you are not in a position to purchase products from Black-owned beauty businesses, consider donating to organizations that support these companies. There are many organizations that provide funding and resources to Black-owned beauty businesses. By donating to these organizations, you are contributing to the growth and success of these businesses, even if you are not able to purchase products directly.

Final Thoughts

Supporting Black-owned beauty businesses is a crucial step toward creating a more inclusive and diverse beauty industry. By doing your research, purchasing products, spreading the word, attending events, leaving positive reviews, and donating, you can help uplift and empower Black-owned beauty businesses. As consumers, we have the power to make a difference, no matter how small our actions may seem. Let us continue to support and amplify Black-owned beauty businesses and help create a more equitable and inclusive beauty industry for all.

Support Black-owned beauty businesses in your area with the help of Black Business Global. We are a Black-owned business directory that is committed to supporting and empowering Black business owners. We help support entrepreneurs and small businesses in Canada through education, mentorship, and leadership development. Sign up now!